Amersfoort Links
Links to Amersfoort related websites
General information

Website of the municipality of Amersfoort. Only available in Dutch, only a small part also in English.


Nice photos and information about Amersfoort. Also some historical information. The website is in English and Dutch available.

Amersfoort, a medival city

Amersfoort in Wikipedia

Historical information

For a very detailed timeline of the history of Amersfoort. Starting in the year 700 and will bring you in steps of 100 year to the Amersfoort of today. I recommend this website, very accurate and detailed information. Currently only available in Dutch. The website is maintained by Jan H. Lodewijks and Johan Volkers.

Archive Eemland, a very very good source for historical information. The website is for everybody who wants to know something about the history of the region Eemland, where Amersfoort is located. You find digitilized images and archive material.

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